Trailing Gao’s Courier, New York | MCU: Location Scout

Matt on sidewalk of traffic packed New York street.

The Chinese, who’s the man at the top?


After getting the location of 51st and 10th from Ben Urich, Matt uses his radar senses to find and follow one of Madame Gao’s couriers.

The sequence begins with Matt walking East away from Idlewild Books along W 19th Street towards 5th Avenue. The courier gets into the car at W 19th and 5th Avenue.



Matt ducks into an alley just down the street, next to 8 W 19th Street, and climbs the scaffolding and fire escapes onto the surrounding rooftops to follow the drug courier.


Street Corner

The black sedan carrying Gao’s courier turns the corner from 10th Avenue heading east on W 52nd, as Matt makes his way over the roofs.



Matt climbs the fire escape on the northwest corner of 37 W 26th St, as the black sedan with Gao’s courier drives north on 6th Avenue.


Rooftop #2

Matt then runs across the rooftops of 40 and 34 W 27th Street, just north of the previous location. The close-up of Matt is looking north from this roof into downtown, with 851 6th Ave being the tall building on the left.


Rooftop #3

Matt somersaults off of the roof of the De La Salle Academy onto 330 W 43rd Street.


Rooftop #4

Matt vaults west across the rooftops above the School of The Blessed Sacrament, with its distinctive green roof, at 456 W 52nd Street. He then is seen running east over the rooftops of 436 W 52nd Street.


Street Corner #2

The sedan is seen driving North on 10th Avenue, just above W 52nd Street.


Rooftop #5

Matt runs along a small ledge with the distinctive spire of Holy Cross Church, and then leaps across the chasm between a white and a black roof on the top of the De La Salle Academy back on W 43rd Street.


Street Corner #3

The black sedan turns from 1st Ave onto 44th St heading East in Brooklyn, towards Gao’s warehouse.


(Daredevil S01E12, 2015)