Landman and Zack LLP | MCU: Location Scout

Karen and Foggy in Landman and Zack lobby.

You’re gonna see us in court where I will absolutely dismantle you.

Foggy and Karen visit the offices of Landman and Zack, where he and Matt once interned, as they prepare for their case against a crooked landlord. They meet Marcie, a lawyer representing said landlord, and an old lover of Foggy’s.


This interior was shot inside One Bryant Place, at the Bank of America Tower in Manhattan. The image outside the revolving doors looks like it’s in black and white, and that’s because it is. The building at the West 43rd entrance had vintage 1948 photos of 6th Ave posted in the windows while hat was filmed. See the Street View below for more details.

Street View



A flashback in episode 10 has Matt and Foggy interning with Landman & Zack, sitting at a long table with a dozen other lawyers as they settle a case against a sick man who leaked company secrets. This was filmed at 7 World Trade Center, 250 Greenwich St, at the same location the offices of Kirschner & Braun, LLP were shot back in episode 3. The view is looking south out of the building.


Parking Garage

In the season finale, Mr. Landman is arrested by FBI agents in the company parking garage as the agency makes arrests associated with Wilson Fisk.


This is an unknown location on MCU: Location Scout. If you have any information about the whereabouts of this location or any other tips, please send them in to

(Daredevil S01E05, E10 & E13, 2015)