HMNB Clyde | MCU Location Scout

Three men walk towards guard post at HMNB Clyde, witha submarine parked at a dock in the background.

I’ve sent three operatives to infiltrate the Royal Navy.

Gravik sends three Skrulls disguised as naval personnel to infiltrate the HMS Neptune and launch a nuclear missile at a United Nations airplane.

The real HMNB Clyde (or His Majesty’s Naval Base Clyde) is located in Faslane, Scotland. The production did not travel that far to film.

According to a post at the production shot a number of scenes around the Historic Docks at Chatham. Using that as a stepping off point, assumptions were made as to the use of this location as a stand-in for the Scottish Naval Base. But other scenes shot at Chatham Dockyards were filmed at night, and doubled for Russia; which puts doubt into the daytime usage for this location.

While this seems like a likely candidate for this location, there are too many variables that don’t seem to match, such as the more permanent buildings by the security post, of the buildings across the strait.


This is an unknown location on MCU: Location Scout. If you have any information about the whereabouts of this location or any other tips, please send them in to

(Secret Invasion S01E03, 2023)